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Simply post a project you need done and receive competitive proposals from professionals within minutes.

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Review  all the proposals and select the right Professional that fits your job criteria.

Get work done and pay safely

Discuss project requirements with the professional,  create and fund milestones. Release funds when the job is done.

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…and easy to get work on kreekAfrica as a Professional

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Find projects that fit your skills and experience and submit proposals.

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Once your profile stands out, you are likely to be hired by the client.

Complete the work and get paid

Conclude on project requirement and request milestones. Complete the job and get paid.

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Why you Should Choose Us

Kreek Africa is a safe and secure market place where clients and professionals from across Africa and beyond connect and work seamlessly with ease.


We verify both clients and professionals and publish their review score

Safe and secure payments

Make payments when project requirements are met


All your data and information is protected


With communication and workroom tools available it is easy to work with each other


We have the most affordable fees in the industry, providing you value for money


A dedicated team available to ensure customer satisfaction

The smart new way of doing business!