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Privacy Policy


Kreekafrica.com is strongly committed to the privacy of its members. We work hard to earn and keep your trust and therefore hold fast to the following principles to protect your privacy.

  • Kreekafrica.com does not rent or sell your personal information to third parties.
  • Kreekafrica.com does not share your contact information with other users or third parties without your permission.
  • Any personally identifiable information that you provide to Kreekafrica.com will be secured with industry-standard protocols and technology.

Information Collection

Kreekafrica.com is an online marketplace that brings together businesses and Professionals. When you visit Kreekafrica.com, you make available two types of information: personal information you expressively choose to release that is collected by Kreekafrica.com and website use material collected by Kreekafrica.com as you use the Kreekafrica.com website (the "Website").

When you register as a Professional with Kreekafrica.com or as a Client, you make available certain personal information, including, your name, your address and your email address. Additionally, when you launch your profile as a Client or as a Professional, you will provide information involving your education level, experience, skills, compensation, self-evaluation, geographic region, and work availability. Such data does not identify the specificity of the individual member or user. Professionals are not mandated to and have the choice to exhibit their contact information (i.e. name, email, phone number, address, etc.) to Clients who conduct searches on the Kreekafrica.com database.

When you get unto the Website, Kreekafrica.com collects your I.P. address. This information is collected for all Kreekafrica.com visitors. Additionally, Kreekafrica.com saves specific information from your browser using "cookies." A cookie is a section of data stored on the user's computer that is linked to information about the user. Kreekafrica.com uses session I.D. cookies to check that users are logged in. These cookies dismiss once the user closes the browser. Kreekafrica.com, by default, uses a persistent cookie that stores only your login I.D. (not your password) to make it less difficult for you to log in anytime you return to the Website. Kreekafrica.com members must have cookies allowed on their browsers. Note: Cookie preferences are established inside each browser's Internet preferences or options.

If you participate in a public message board or post any information on a bulletin board, you should be conscious of the fact that any personally identifiable information you decide to provide there can be collected, read, or used by other users of these mediums and could be used to show you unsought messages. Kreekafrica.com is not accountable for the personally identifiable information you offer to submit in these forums.

Kreekafrica.com is the singular proprietor of the information gathered through the Website.

Information Use

Kreekafrica.com will not sell or rent any gathered information to third parties. We will not share your contact information with other users except in connection with possible employment and of course, with your approval. All registered Kreekafrica.com members click the "I AGREE" checkbox on the registration form to agree to the Kreekafrica.com Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Accordingly, all registered users agree that particular profile information is accessible to other registered users.

Kreekafrica.com records I.P. addresses for system administration purposes. This information is used in the process of identifying server problems, analyze trends, monitor traffic patterns, administer the Website, follow user patterns of their member, and identify the most popular areas of the Website to deliver content most relevant to registered members. I.P. addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information and are only used to gather broad demographic information for aggregate use, except in the case of fraud.

Kreekafrica.com reserves the right to share aggregated demographic information with its partners and/or advertisers, and such information will not be linked to personal information that identifies registered users, except in the case of fraudulent activities.


The links to other websites can be found on this website. However, Kreekafrica.com is not responsible for the privacy practices of such websites. Kreekafrica.com encourages its members to read the privacy policies of all other websites. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by Kreekafrica.com.


Kreekafrica.com takes industry-standard protocols and technology to protect registered user information.

Kreekafrica.com also protects registered user information offline. All registered user information is restricted within our offices. Servers used to store personally identifiable information are housed in a secure, supervised environment. In addition, only kreekafrica.com employees who need specific information to perform a task are granted access to personally identifiable information.

Mandatory Communications

Kreekafrica.com sends all users that are newly registered a welcome email to authenticate their email addresses. Sometimes, Kreekafrica.com directs service announcements to its registered Professionals and Clients. Registered Users cannot unsubscribe from such service announcements that inform about upcoming modifications that affect their Kreekafrica.com accounts. Additionally, we connect with registered members via phone calls and personal emails to offer requested services.

Non-Mandatory Communications

Registered users are sent monthly e-newsletters comprising information on Kreekafrica.com announcements, products, and services. Occasionally, registered users get sent e-postcards that highlight unique Kreekafrica.com features and announcements. Registered users can unsubscribe to any of the above-outlined communications. Kindly see below our Choice/Opt-out section.


Upon registration, users can choose to not receive any of Kreekafrica.com's options communications. Additionally, registered users can modify or change their Kreekafrica.com email (service announcement) preferences, at any time, by updating their account information.

Notice of Changes

Kreekafrica.com retains the right to modify, adjust or change this privacy policy at any time, so please evaluate it frequently. If Kreekafrica.com changes its Privacy Policy, it will post all changes promptly in the Professional and Client Announcement sections. By going on to use Kreekafrica.com after modifications have been made to this policy, you are accepting the changes.


Disclaimer Concerning Social Login

Social Logins permit for a single sign-up using current information from social networks and sites. Kreekafrica.com is approved by google+, Facebook and LinkedIn for Social Login by making our Privacy Policy publicly obtainable and easily accessible. Our Privacy Policy also informs our users about the scope of the data gathered and the usage of that data collected on Kreekafrica.com.

By logging in through Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, or any other Social Login networks and sites we may admit in the future, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy as well as the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy of Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, and etc. Kindly go through and review the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for the Social Login you may be used to ascertain the gathering and usage of data per the already mentioned Social Login services you may be using.

Disclaimer Concerning All Financial Transactions on User Profiles

Kreekafrica.com releases all of the financial dealings on profiles of both the Professionals and Clients to the advantage of all users. Disclosing the financial transactions is to assist all users in making intelligent and knowledgeable choices concerning the acceptance of jobs from hiring Professionals and Clients.