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About Kreekafrica.com

What projects can be completed on Kreekafrica.com?

Any task that can be done on a computer can be done using Kreekafrica.com. With a vast network of skilled labour, it will become simple to transact business and get things done faster.

What is the difference between doing business online and finding clients locally?

The contribution of technology is making doing business online almost similar to offline but with the additional advantages of less cost, efficiency, and high quality. There is also the added convenience and the ability to have access to a wider pool of talent and potential Clients.

How does Kreekafrica.com make money?

Kreekafrica.com charges a contractor fee of a percentage of the total amount agreed upon by Professional and Client. You can visit our section on fees for more information.

About Hiring

How do I register?

There are two methods of registration. The first is to provide the necessary information such as name and email and agree to the Terms Of Service after clicking on the sign-up button and select Client as the account type. You will be sent a security code to your inbox to verify and create your account. The code has an expiry duration of 24 hours, and after three failed attempts at using it, you will have to request a new one. The second is to register using your social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram after clicking the sign-up button. Select Client as the account type and then submit.

What is the next step after registration?

After successfully creating your account, clearly define your project. Make known your goals and objectives, the skills required and your budget. It makes it easier for Professionals to apply and submit accurate proposals right from the start. Upon submission of a project, our system will highlight the top talent that matches your requirements.

How do I make my project a success?

It starts with a clear and concise submission of your needs. Also, when screening or assessing candidates, pay attention to proven experience and success rates. You can also upgrade your job posting to a featured post to gain more traction.

What happens if I am not satisfied with the results?

Our system is designed to offer you only the top Professionals with the right skills and qualifications. However, in the event that you are not happy with your results, we will step in to help and where necessary, offer arbitration assistance.

How do I know I am being billed accurately?

With our workrooms, you will be able to manage the project your Professional is working on. You can communicate, share files, assign roles, and monitor invoices which gives you control throughout the process. You can negotiate payment amounts with the Professional and also agree on the frequency of payment, i.e. hourly, weekly, or monthly etc.

Who owns legal rights to any completed work submitted by the Professional to the Client?

Per our Terms of Service, legal right and copyright automatically transfer to the client after payment has been made for the completed project, and the client is satisfied. Otherwise, both parties can come to an agreement on additional terms regarding product ownership.

How do I make payments?

We have multiple payment options on our platform, including wire transfer, debit or credit card. Payment should only be made once the client is satisfied with the completed work. You get payment protection with our Payment system, and you can include payment methods to your account to gain credibility among Professionals. You can also get a full refund on handling fees if you use certain payment methods.

How often do I make payments?

This will depend on the agreed-upon frequency of payment between you and the Professional.

Will I obtain an official invoice?

Yes, you will. Our platform offers invoicing options for various needs, and you can get more information from the invoice section.

Do I have to file tax forms?

Per our Terms of Service, you are responsible for only payment of your tax and not that of your Professional or Agency as they are an independent contractor.

What do I look for when hiring on Kreekafrica.com?

After posting a job, evaluate potential candidates by going through their profile and assessing their skills and qualifications. Also, consider the experience, and you can have a chat with them as well.

Can I build a team of Professionals on Kreekafrica.com?

Yes, you can. We have a feature in our workroom that allows you to add team members and manage them. You can choose from three main roles with are administrator, coordinator and manager. You also have the option of removing a team member once they have completed their task with you.

About Freelancing

How do I begin work on Kreekafrica.com?

Get started by signing up and creating your account and verifying your details. Then build your profile by including your skills, qualification, experience, etc. You can find jobs by searching for those that match your skillset. Our platform is also designed to recommend Clients that may need your services.

Who can find opportunities online?

Anyone with a skill or service they are ready to offer can start work on Kreekafrica.com. The platform hosts a wide pool of Clients from all over that anyone with a valid account can be connected to.

How can I find the right project?

Kreekafrica.com's system matches you with potential Clients once your profile is created and developed. You also have the option of actively searching for Clients based on your skills and qualifications. You can refine your search using keywords such as job titles.

How does Kreekafrica.com help me manage my work?

Kreekafrica.com provides workrooms where Professionals can manage their work. These workrooms come with tools and communication channels that allow you to collaborate, share and transfer files, manage payments and invoices, and provide status updates. You can access the workroom of a job by clicking on the job title under the jobs tab.

What types of clients can I find on kreeafrica.com?

You can find a vast of clients from various fields and disciplines. No matter your area of expertise, you will find a project that aligns with your goals and skills.

Why should I use Kreekafrica.com to engage clients?

Kreekafrica.com provides a complete platform to facilitate a smart way of doing business. It is convenient and gives you the tools and freedom you will need to get work done more efficiently. It is also an alternative source of income that allows you to improve on your skills through experience, expand your niche and build meaningful connections.

How much can I earn?

How much money you make on Kreekafrica come will depend on you, your skills and working power and well as the demand for your services. You get to negotiate your own rates and the frequency of payments. Payments can be made based on milestones (fixed price), task-based, hourly and recurring payments. The Fixed Price plan will involve breaking the job into parts and receiving payment as each part is completed. This form of payment will be ideal for projects with high budget considerations. Task-based payment involves creating tasks within the job for a particular purpose and delivering them when needed. This option is ideal for tracking cost at an individual level Hourly payment involves getting paid by the hour. You will have to set your hourly rate and determine your maximum working hours per week. Then set a date for when the billing will end. The platform will automatically generate invoices and send them out on one day of every week until the project is completed. You can track the number of hours worked with the tools in the workroom, and this payment option is ideal for jobs that require flexibility. Recurring payments serve as retainers for jobs with a fixed payout for intervals that have been predefined. You can fix the rate, the end date of billing and the cycle of payments or combine multiple payment cycles depending on what you need. The invoices for such payments can be made weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly, and you can stop them at any time

How much does Kreekafrica.com cost?

Kreekafrica.com charges a fee from every payment made based on the amount that is charged. Since it is up to you to set your charges, you should do so with the fees in mind.

How do I get feedback for my work?

You will receive feedback based on the client's satisfaction with your work. This will be displayed along with your screen name throughout the different steps in the hiring process. Generally, the higher your rating, the more positive your client's experience was. You can also leave feedback for your Client in terms of whether or not you were satisfied while working with them. Kreekafrica.com reviews all feedback, trying not to publicly post negative ones but rather reach out to the parties involved to find out if there is help that could be provided from our end.

Still have a questions?

If you cannot find answer to your question in our FAQ, you can always contact us. We wil answer to you shortly!

+230 5869-0130

We are always happy to help.


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